Sunday, 22 March 2015

The Arms Race

Continuing commitment to maintaining a large army, navy and air force, and the development of nuclear weapons. In 1945, USA became the first country to develop nuclear bomb. By 1949, USSR did the same. This prompted Americans to develop the Hydrogen Bomb. By 1953, both countries had the Hydrogen Bomb and in the 50s and 60s the continued to develop more of the same.

ยท         Why was it so significant?
o   It prevented war from occurring in Europe.
o   USSR had 3 million troops and could easily capture West Germany. However, the Soviet leaders would never have ordered an invasion because they feared nuclear retaliation. One atomic bomb could turn entire city to ashes, killing hundreds of thousands of people in a few seconds. Soviet Union paid close attention to the American bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of WW2 ad understood the immense power of these weapons. 

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